I'm Unable to display graph with financial month values (that starts from April)
Posted almost 5 years ago by Smarten - Support
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I'm Unable to display graph with financial month values (that starts from April). It displays calendar month wise data (that starts from January). For ex: My X axis values for the year ‘2019’ should be displayed as ‘April, May, June, and so on’.
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Smarten - Support posted almost 5 years ago Admin Best Answer
To configure the financial year data in your dataset, you need to first set the financial month from the properties. This feature allows you to specify the start of a financial year if it is different from the calendar year.
1. Open the dataset for which you want to specify the first month of the year.
2. Click the Result set menu icon.
3. Click Properties from the menu. (Refer below screenshot)
Properties option
The Properties dialog box will be displayed (Refer below screenshot)
Properties dialog
4. Select a month from the list to specify as the start of the financial month (April in this case).
5. Click APPLY
Create a Financial Month column in the dataset.
1. Right click on any cell of the date column. The system displays the context menu.
2. Click Add column -> Financial
3. Select the month from the dialog box. (as shown in the below screenshot)
4. And click Apply
Month selection
Next, apply Data display value mapping on the financial month in the object.
Create a graph with financial month as one of the axis values. (Refer the below screenshot)
Graph with Financial month column
1. In the Graph object that you want to display the values, click Settings in the upper right-hand corner. The system displays the settings toolbar.
2. Click Manage Data display value mapping. The system displays the manage data display value mapping dialog box.
3. Click Add icon to add new data display value mapping. (refer the below screenshot)
Add data display value mapping
4. Select the Dimension as the newly created Financial_Month.
5. Select the Actual value as 1 and Alternate text as “April”.
6. Click ADD. Similarly assign May for 2, June for 3 and so on.
Added values
7. Click OK.
The month values will be displayed from April as shown in the below screen
Graph with Financial month values
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Smarten - Support posted almost 5 years ago Admin Answer
To configure the financial year data in your dataset, you need to first set the financial month from the properties. This feature allows you to specify the start of a financial year if it is different from the calendar year.
1. Open the dataset for which you want to specify the first month of the year.
2. Click the Result set menu icon.
3. Click Properties from the menu. (Refer below screenshot)
Properties option
The Properties dialog box will be displayed (Refer below screenshot)
Properties dialog
4. Select a month from the list to specify as the start of the financial month (April in this case).
5. Click APPLY
Create a Financial Month column in the dataset.
1. Right click on any cell of the date column. The system displays the context menu.
2. Click Add column -> Financial
3. Select the month from the dialog box. (as shown in the below screenshot)
4. And click Apply
Month selection
Next, apply Data display value mapping on the financial month in the object.
Create a graph with financial month as one of the axis values. (Refer the below screenshot)
Graph with Financial month column
1. In the Graph object that you want to display the values, click Settings in the upper right-hand corner. The system displays the settings toolbar.
2. Click Manage Data display value mapping. The system displays the manage data display value mapping dialog box.
3. Click Add icon to add new data display value mapping. (refer the below screenshot)
Add data display value mapping
4. Select the Dimension as the newly created Financial_Month.
5. Select the Actual value as 1 and Alternate text as “April”.
6. Click ADD. Similarly assign May for 2, June for 3 and so on.
Added values
7. Click OK.
The month values will be displayed from April as shown in the below screen
Graph with Financial month values
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